Hello there!

My name is Anooj Vadodkar. I'm a first year Masters student at the University of Southern California, pursuing a degree in Computer Science with a focus on Game Development. Before that, I got my Bachelors of Science from the University of California, Merced, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, minoring in English, and making games the whole way through! I'm the current Webmaster for the Student Game Developers Alliance, or SGDA. My main areas of interest in game dev are narrative design, programming, and production.

Let's make something great, together!


A Few Things I've Worked On

USC MFA Projects

I am currently working on two Master of Fine Arts Thesis projects at the University of Southern California, those being Courier: Dragons Within and Morte Arthur (Originally Avalon Manuscript). On Courier: Dragons Within, I am currently the Lead Engineer, focusing on programming narrative systems into the game as well as working alongside the Director, Producers, and other Leads to make sure that our development of the game is sustainable. On Morte Arthur, I am working as a narrative designer to create the various Arthuriana-based quests, and as an engineer to port the game to Tabletop Simulator, as it is a board game.

SGDA Summit

As the webmaster of the Student Game Developers Alliance, I have worked with the officer team to host our annual SGDA Summit event during 2021, 2022, and 2023. For all of these summits, I judged for and co-hosted the SGDA Student Showcase, an opportunity for student developers to showcase games they worked on. Along with this, during the 2022 and 2023 summit, I worked with the Summit Lead to create a virtual art gallery for art done by students of member schools and beyond. You can find the website for SGDA here: SGDA Website.

Blackjack Table

I worked as the producer, technical narrative designer, and writer for the game Blackjack Table, created in nine weeks during the 2022 SJSU Summer Games Workshop. My responsibilites included implementing and writing a dialog system with multiple endings, using Trello to manage tasks during two week sprints, and assist with programming where needed. This game was an opportunity for me to learn the blueprinting system of Unreal Engine 5, as well as how to keep teams on track to complete a project on time. The game can be played at the following link: Blackjack Table Itch.io

Areas of Expertise


  • C++
  • C#
  • Python
  • C


  • Unity
  • Unreal 4.0
  • Godot
  • Twine


  • Leadership
  • Narrative Design
  • Team Management
  • Writing

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